CRESO CORNER- August 2022

Aug 2, 2022
Permit renewal instructions - By now all dental facilities should have their permits up to date. Some dentists who are several years behind have received summonses by mail. In order to renew your permit you will need to submit a signed renewal application, proof of Disability insurance and proof of Worker’s Compensation insurance.

Be aware that you must use specific form numbers. A copy of the summary page of your last CRESO inspection (within 5 years of renewal date). Last you will send a check or payment of $100 for every two years you are requesting. You must buy back since the date of last expiration. If you do this online you can only buy 2 years at a time and then renew again until you are up to date. If you do this by mail you can buy back 2 or 3 time periods all at once.

To renew by mail: request renewal application by calling (212) 487-4060 give your record #. Put together above items and send to:   

Licensing Bureau
42 Broadway, 5th floor
New York, NY 10004

To renew online go to Google and type in hit enter and scroll down until you see Renew most Permits. Now you will need your PIN number which was assigned to you by the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs. If you are like most dentists you ignored this number and will need to retrieve it or get a new PIN number. To apply for a new PIN number go on Google to: click on site that reads Accela Contact Us Form – and fill out the form. You will still need to submit the above items by scanning or attaching emails to renew. A handy number for assistance is 347-396-7975.

New permit should only take 3-4 weeks to arrive. If not received call (212) 487-4060 to inquire. Please note this is not the procedure for a NEW Permit or change of owner or address. If you owe the City money for a fine you can be denied a renewal.

Remember that dental inspections are every 5 years. Permits are every 2 years.

CBCT requires its own separate permit and annual calibration with semi annual tests.

If you have questions or need assistance you may call me or my office at (718) 373-6348

Martin Schnee CRESO #190

Dec 30, 2024

Dec 17, 2024