Delay in continuing education (CE) credits recorded by NYSDA

Dec 22, 2022
Members of the New York State Dental Association (NYSDA) are provided the benefit of having their continuing education (CE) credits recorded by NYSDA. That transcript of credits is available online and has traditionally been accepted by the State Education Department for license renewal purposes.
Due to a combination of sudden staff departures and an ongoing staff shortage, many course credits that were submitted this fall have not yet been entered into our registry. 

As of December 20, this is the current status of CE credit data entry:
  • Online Submissions – October 13 to November 7 and November 16 to current are NOT entered.
  • Mail-in submissions – November 12 to current are NOT entered.
  • Faxed submissions – November 21 to current are NOT entered.
We have now retained staff to help rectify this situation and get all the course credits entered.  Please understand that we do have everything that has been sent by members and there is no need to send duplicate submissions.  Doing so actually slows down the entry process as redundant entries must be found and removed.

We have received many phone calls from members about this delay but have not been able to respond to  these calls because we have prioritized staff to spend their time on CE certificate input.  We are sending this email to let you know that we are not ignoring this important matter and are deploying our resources to get things up-to-date as soon as possible.

Q: So, when will all my credits be entered?
A: It’s difficult to say exactly how long it will take us to catch up with this work but we hope to be up-to-date by the end of January.

Q: What if my license renewal is approaching?
As long as you know that you have completed 60 CERP-approved credit hours since your last registration, you can still confirm the continuing education requirement when you renew. 

Q: Should I resend my  certificates to ensure they get entered?
No.  As mentioned, this actually slows down our processing and causes further delays.

We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding with this situation. We hope to have things current as soon as possible! 

Dec 30, 2024

Dec 17, 2024